Hey everyone, Last month’s newsletter spoke about the two eclipses we had in June. To learn more about eclipses, please click here. We have one more to go - the last eclipse this season takes place on July 4th from 8:07 PM to 10:53 PM PDT (July 5th from 1:07 PM to 3:53 PM in Melbourne). This is a lunar eclipse, visible in New Zealand, the Americas, parts of Europe and most of Africa: The eclipse takes place in a constellation called Purva Ashadha. Purva Ashadha’s desire is to gain the ocean upon wishing for it, and it is ruled by Apas, defied water. Gaining the ocean upon wishing for it is actually a spiritual symbol for merging into the consciousness of the universe. By meditating deeply during this eclipse, we can turn inward and realize that we are all spirit souls, and hopefully merge into the spiritual ocean. Another way of interpreting this symbol is literally liking natural bodies of water, and so maybe if meditation isn’t your thing, an alternate way to spend eclipse day would be to go on a quiet backpacking trip to a lake or ocean. 2020 US Elections Staying with the July 4th theme, let’s take a look at the 2020 US elections by analyzing Donald Trump’s and Joe Biden’s planetary cycles. Trump entered his Jupiter / Jupiter planetary cycle on Nov 14th 2016, very close to the Nov 8th election date. In Trump’s birth chart, there are some negative combinations that create a distracted, aggressive individual with a messy mind (caused by his Ascendant, Mars, Moon, and Ketu), but his Jupiter is completely separate from those negative combinations. His Jupiter is actually really well placed in the house of family and wealth, allowing him to win the US election and appoint his family members as his White House staff. I’m also sure he has enjoyed the material side of his presidency as well. Going into November 2020, this strong tailwind from his birth chart is much reduced. From January 2019 to July 2021, Trump is in his Jupiter / Saturn period. Saturn is placed in the 12th house, the house of loss, and rules the 6th house, the house of conflicts, arguments, and struggles. Saturn is also 0 degrees in the 12th house, indicating a lack of energy available to manifest desired outcomes in his life. Now taking a look at Joe Biden’s chart, Biden entered his Jupiter / Rahu period on April 2020, and will be in this planetary period till September 2022: Rahu is placed quite strongly in his chart, in the house of career, and in a constellation called Magha. This constellation is symbolized by a throne room, indicating a royal energy that elevates Biden into a leadership position. This has already partially happened, with his main rival Bernie Sanders dropping out of the Democratic race in April 2020, just as Biden entered his Rahu sub-period.
So on a high level, it looks like according to their Vedic Astrology birth charts, the momentum will be with Biden this year. While it is very difficult to make a prediction as to who will win the election using just two birth charts (because sometimes the person with the nicer chart does not win and enjoys his retirement; being President isn’t always the best outcome for an individual), I would have to give Biden the edge going into November. Jupiter is back in Sagittarius! Long time readers of this newsletter know that I have been tracking Jupiter very closely in the last few months because of all the economic implications it brings. From June 30th to Nov 19th, Jupiter retrogrades out of Capricorn and back into Sagittarius. Jupiter’s original name is Brihaspati, and he symbolizes abundance, religion, and knowledge. In the Vedas, there is a class of beings called the Devas, and Brihaspati was their teacher. The Devas are higher beings, and battle demons for control of our universe. Brihaspati guides them through their endeavors by giving them knowledge, and reminding them of their life purpose and spiritual path. Sagittarius, being the sign of truth, religion, and knowledge, is one of Jupiter’s home signs. This is where Jupiter’s energy can be expressed very clearly. Unlike the previous period of Jupiter in Sagittarius (Jan 24th to March 29th), on this occasion, Jupiter is not impacted by any of the harsher planets. Because of this, Jupiter’s energy of abundance and knowledge can be expressed clearly, and so this period should represent a return of hope and dharma into the world, and also a better time economically for everyone. In addition to Jupiter’s benevolent influence, Venus, the planet of material enjoyment, is in Taurus, the sign of material comforts. Venus stays in Taurus until August 1st, and should provide a much needed boost to everyone’s enjoyment of the material energies. So all this is to say let’s enjoy the next few months because we may be going into another tougher period from Nov 20th 2020 to April 5th 2021. How does Jupiter in Sagittarius affect you personally? I’ve written out some mini-predictions to try and answer this question. Of course, there are many other things that fill out the picture of your life (most of it individualized from your birth chart), but this transit will show one small perspective. I have arranged these mini predictions according to your Vedic Sun signs; you can find your Vedic Sun sign by finding which date range includes your birthday. Please read the birth times carefully as your Vedic Sun sign can be different from your Western one (reason here). Aries (April 14th to May 14th): This transit is supportive for greater wealth, and will bring you experiences of learning and knowledge. It is also helpful for your relationship with your father. Jupiter in this position is also supportive for spiritual growth. Taurus (May 15th to June 14th): Jupiter is transiting your house of change. While most of us dislike change, this period will tend to bring you positive changes that will be pleasant and helpful in your life. Gemini (June 14th to July 16th): This transit is supportive of your relationships. This will make your partner optimistic, knowledgeable, and even wealthy, or will bring you a partner with those characteristics if you are single. Cancer (July 17th to August 16th): Jupiter is transiting your house of health. On one hand, this is positive and helps you recover from any existing ailments. On the other hand, this may make you a little bit lazy and indulgent with matters related to health, so remember to keep up your health regime! Leo (August 17th to September 16th): This is supportive of all areas of creativity. This is a good time to learn things and create new projects. If you are looking to have a baby, this transit will produce a knowledgeable and intelligent child. Virgo (September 17th to October 16th): This transit is supportive for all matters related to your home and vehicles. If you’ve been putting off a renovation or buying a house, now is the time to start thinking about it. This transit is also helpful for your relationship with your mother. Libra (October 17th to November 15th): Jupiter is transiting your house of communication. This will make your communication style more positive and more effective. It is also supportive for your relationship with your siblings. Scorpio (November 16th to December 15th): This transit will bring you nice experiences related to your family. Jupiter brings a sense of bonding and wellbeing when everyone is together. It will also bring you good experiences with food, but be careful as this transit may also make you a bit of a glutton! Sagittarius (December 16th to January 14th): Jupiter is transiting your Sun sign, which brings wellbeing across your life. It will make you less susceptible to falling ill, and make you recover more easily from existing ailments. This transit also generates wealth and may allow you to buy a house or a car. Capricorn (January 15th to February 12th): This transit is very supportive of your spiritual growth. It will bring you spiritual knowledge, and a greater depth to your meditation practice. Jupiter in this position also brings you good experiences with friends from distance places, so it may be time to get out the FaceTime and make some long-distance video calls! Aquarius (Feb 13th March 14th): Jupiter in this position forms a wealth combination, and so this period is supportive of you getting a raise or a promotion. This is also a good transit for your networking - time to put yourself out there and get to know more people! Pisces (March 15th to April 13th): Jupiter is transiting your house of the career, and is very supportive of your job. This transit will boost your chances of a promotion, and may bring you important projects that are positive to your career. Comments are closed.
September 2024
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